
dress up and show up!

 No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. That said, enjoy this sunny day while you can! (cus it might rain tomorrow)


Carl Jung Check In

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Little things.

Mantras I’ve been keeping in my head:
“You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.”
“Patience is a virtue.”
“Optimism. Seriously. Not just peppiness.”
Oh and, remembering Alex telling me it’ll be better next time with full confidence.

Song of the Next Two Weeks (or Fortnight, if you will)! 


Hello Everyone! (And how this works…)

Welcome to our new fancy blog!!
Say/draw/paint/link/dance/sing whatever you want.

Remember how awesome we are EVERYDAY.

So much love.




How This Works
(Cause it’s free, so we have to bend to it, a little.)


When you make your first post!
Please create yourself a category for your name!


When adding an image to a post:

1) Enter new post

2) Write whatever you want

3) Go to the top right module named Featured Image

4) Click “Set Featured Image”

5) Upload an image from your computer
(Note: URL link won’t work)

6) Press “Use as Featured Image”
(Note: “Insert into post” won’t work, and you won’t see it IN the post. You will see it in the module.)

7) Now Update/Publish your post!